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Work Routine for Ages 18+

Our counsellor program is more than just a summer job!  


At Pea Pods Summer Camp we are preparing counsellors with life skills that can help them in their futures, both at home and in their careers.  We want to help our counsellors feel empowered by giving them an opportunity to practice the full process of envisioning a project, planning that project out, and then executing it with a team.  They will have access to a small budget to plan with, and they will be allowed to bring their own personal passions and visions to the age appropriate camp programs that they plan for the kids.  


Throughout each day, the counsellors will not only guide the activities of the kids, but they will get a chance to plan a large number of details such as what the activities will be, and how they will be run. Counsellors will get support from a team of Junior counsellors and counsellors in training (CITs) to make their plans successful, as well as from the senior staff to help ensure their success. This will teach the young adults at our camp important skills that they can use going forward in any program management type environment... whether that be in their careers, or even just in meal-planning at home. 


Counsellor Activities Will Include:


-With the supervision of senior staff, each counsellor will be responsible for leading a small team of junior staff and campers.  Our camp has staff to camper ratios of 1:8 for Counsellors, 1:4 for Jr. Counsellors, and 1:2 for CITs.


-Counsellors will be responsible for helping and monitoring both the campers, as well as the Junior Counsellors who are working on their teams.


-Each Counsellor will begin work one week previous to the camp start date to create their programming - this year the start date is May 27th 2024.  During this time counsellors will learn important career development skills such as planning the activities, coming up with a budget, utilizing available resources, and putting together a final plan to present and get approval from the camp manager and director. 


-Counsellors will need to include a secondary plan that will explain how they will integrate the volunteer counsellors into their weeks. These younger volunteer staff will also be given a chance to plan out one activity per week for the kids to do, and even more, they will be able to chooses which activity they want to plan. This activity of inclusion will help teach skills that will prepare counsellors to understand and practice how to assess some risks, and manage changes within their projects.


Counsellor Benefits and Expectations:


-Paid Counsellors are hired as contract workers from Monday, June 24th 2024 until Friday, August 30th 2024, and will be present on the camp grounds from 8am until 5pm, with an hour of paid break-time during the day.


-Paid Counsellors must have, or be willing to get a CPRC+AED and First Aid Certification, as well as a police record check before June 24th 2024.  Hired employees will receive a reimbursement for the cost of the police record check.


-Paid counsellors will receive $18 per hour to start, plus they are invited to eat breakfast and lunch with the kids via our Garden Meals Program.  


-Paid counsellors will attend a week of paid training and time to plan their activities previous to the camp start date, and have full access to supports and mentors if they would like to begin their activity planning early.   Our counsellor training and planning time starts on June 24th, and camp begins on July 2nd 2024.  If you are a student, then it is possible to attend this training via Zoom while you are not in your exams.   


We are working hard to get youth excited about getting involved with the program management at work, and we're hoping that some kids will wont be able to wait to get started!


Click HERE to start your application process..... we can't wait to hear from you.

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